

On Monday I watched an American movie " LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE" I like that kind of the movie. First, the movie told a story close to our daily life. Just like people who want to do something they dream and finally they fail. That movie was about “ a regular family driving to CA from Albuquerque New Mexico to facilitate their daughter’s dream (to be a miss sunshine). During the trip their car has several problems. The father loses his job and the grandpa dies”. Second, my favorite part is when her family leaves everything behind to help their daughter accomplish her dream. They stay together for the girl's dream. That is love. The love of the family. The love is anybody knows but just a few people can do it. Third, during the trip many things happen the car has a technical problem, her father loses his job, her brother discover he is color blind and her grandpa dies. However those reasons won’t stop them from accomplish their dream. Finally, although she can’t win but she tried. She has no reason to regret. Just like her grandpa said:” some of people even do not have chance to do want they want to do, but you did.” Although she can’t win, she had a very good experience. “LITTLE MISS SUNSHIE” is a really good movie.



Canada is a great country to visit for several reasons. First I never been there before. I'd never been an other country so far. For example Canada, japan, Keron. Those are the countries I want to visit. Scond, one of my friend lives in Canada. He was my hight school classmate. I'm going to sray at his house so he can take me to place I want to go to or to some beautiful places. Third I want ot go shopping in Canada. I'll go to Chinatown in Canada or to shopping malls. Finally I'd like to go skiing in Canada in resory such as Wliler in Vencouver. Canada is the country I really want to visit so far.


The Movie

On Monday I watched an America movie " LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE" that was a movie telling a story is very close to our day life. Just like a people who want to do some thing that which is her dream and finally she fail. That movie was telling about a story is " a regular family drive to CA form Albuquerque New Mexico for they daughter's dream (to be a miss sunshine), in the trip they car has many problem, her father lose his job and her grandpa die.” My favorite part is her family lefts everything behind them and help his daughter to finish her dream. My favorite part of that movie is that whole family to help the girl to finish her dream and stay together in the small car. The family peoples are all the diffident kinds people and just for one dream to stay together for the girl’s dream. That is the love. The love of the family. The love is anybody knows but just a few people can do it. In the trip there have many thing happen such as car’s problem, her father’s job, her brother’s problem and her grandpa died. Those reasons can’t stop them to finish they dream. My favorite part of that movie is that whole family to help the girl to finish her dream and stay together in the small car. The family peoples are all the diffident kinds people and just for one dream to stay together for the girl’s dream. That is the love. The love of the family. The love is anybody knows but just a few people can do it. In the trip there have many thing happen such as car’s problem, her father’s job, her brother’s problem and her grandpa died. Those reasons can’t stop them to finish they dream. The finally part was good too. Although she can’t win the math but she tried. She is no reason to regret. Just like her grandpa said:” some of people even don’t have change to do want they want to do, but you did.” Although she can’t win ,but that is a very good experience for her. “A LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE” is a really good movie.


My Workplace

I work at 76 gas station. It is a big gas station. At outside the gas station. There is a big parking lot. It can contain 20 to 25 cars. The gas station has two stores. One of them offers things and the other one is an auto repair store. Inside the store you can buy many things, food, sodas, caps, toys, cars, ^^^^^^^^. The other store is auto repair store. There have 4 mechanics work there.
 My workplace is very big and I'm very happy to work there.


That Day I Work

Today I had to visit my counselor.
Right after my class, I went to the student center and I met Mr. X to talk about financial aid. I wanted to know why it takes so much time to get my money. He said my application from has some mistake. I need to correct it now and send it back to the financial office. First I need to change my address and pick a major. Second I need to go back to the room 109 take a new application and ask the counselor to change my address and phone number. Finally go back to the financial office and gave him back the application from. He said all things are done. Just one thing I can do is “wait”.
This visit to my counselor was very fruitful.


Go Fishing

Last Friday, I went fishing with my brother after class because my brother told me before that he wanted to go fishing on Friday. So we drove to Almeda . There is a very long stone pier right there. Many peoples were fishing that day. We walked down to the end of the pier. It took about 20 minutes to get there. My brother said: " OK.... I use the big fishing rod and you use the small one "I answered: "All right". I saw my brother roll a small fish on the top of the fishing rod with plastic strige and swing out to the ocean hardly. I just took one piece of fish and roll it up on my fishing rod and swing it out to the ocean too... After this we just wait. Wait for my target to eat it. So I sited down on the pier but my brother still standed there and walked around. After 10 minutes later. My fishing rod was moved. It means I catch something. I was tried my best to push it out of the water but I can't. It was very hard to put it out than I thought. So I called my brother to help. We took about 2 minutes to took it out of the water. It was a big ******* my brother told me to be carful it because that kind fishs have poinstion on it tail. That was the first fish I got after I came to America..


Mickey Mouse

His name is Mickey Mouse.He lives in a place called Disney-land.His father's name is Walt Disney.He was a famous cartoonist.A cartoonist is a person,who draws cartoon characters liks him.He was bron about seventy years ago in a movie studio in Hollywood,californua.He first appeared in a cartoon in 1928,the name of the cartoon was "steamboat Willie",at first,He appeared in caroons with Minnie Mouse soon.His friends Donald Duck and Goofy Joined him.In addition to tarring in cartoons.He also work at Disney land.He stands around and smiles a lot.He also pose for pictures with visitors.He enjoys his job a bot because he makes children all over the world happy.